My making space is not Pinterest worthy

My house has been taken over by fabric and craft supplies. My circle of friends will tell you that this is not news. There have even been suggestions of an "intervention" on my behalf where I might come home from a trip to a tidy and emptier house.

Somehow though, I have now reached the limit. I have too much, there are too many things and several are not bringing me joy.

After a prolonged couple months trying to fight a cough and cold with a few allergy hay fever days thrown in for extra annoyance, I have started my own personal boot camp. Being self employed I can book client appointments for later in the morning starts, but I have decided I should get up at around the same time as office working individuals.

This has given me a bit of extra time in the mornings to catch up on projects; paperwork and chores in my own house. I think this is what has let to me looking around and realizing that my space is really not currently working for me.

If you like things obviously organized and stowed away in its tidy little places you may need to look away from the photo below. This is what my space looks like today, no tidying, there might be socks abandoned with physio stretch gear in there somewhere.

I treat my house as a storage area, it is very common for me to leave at 10am and not return until 9-10pm. I use my kitchen the most and my bedroom is not tidy as I write this either.

In my working space I have piles of totes with tools for specific jobs and piles that are work in progress. Looking at this photo I also have a pile there of items listed for sale in the local classifieds site waiting to leave my house.

Two years ago, I realized my fabric hoarding was approaching scary levels. I can report I have only purchased fabric for commissioned pieces and to finish or compliment existing fabric in my stash since then.

The current plan: keep to my daily habit of at least 10 minutes on my making space, whether it's sewing, ironing or sorting out the piles. I plan to continue to upgrade my furniture/stoarge solutions to items that can help keep my space organized, once sorted. I have also decided to review my fabric stash (again) and sell or donate fabrics that I will not use or don't see a project for (I have finally realized that I don't wear 100% polyester).

I will try to check in as I move forward on this plan. I'm not sure I will ever have an Intstagram or Pinterest worthy workspace but I definitely need my house to have a more relaxing and less piled and messy appearance.
